Dying for the Stupidity of the Anti-Vaccine Cause

It’s one thing to die for something worth dying. It’s another thing to die for something stupid. The anti-vaxxer movement shouldn’t even be regarded as heroes as they’re dying in the name of their stupid propaganda. It’s not like those Christians who died to tell others about Jesus or to die proclaiming the truth. This is dying for a lie that has caused more people to die.

Continue reading Dying for the Stupidity of the Anti-Vaccine Cause

A Study on Judah’s Role as the Patriarch for the Royal Tribe

It would be an interesting thing to consider how Judah became the progenitor of the Messianic tribe. Read through Matthew 1 and Luke 3:23-38 and you will discover Judah was from where the Messiah sprang out. However, we can’t deny that Judah also did some dirty actions. We need to study the mistakes of Judah as well as his accomplishments.

Continue reading A Study on Judah’s Role as the Patriarch for the Royal Tribe

The Trials in Joseph’s Life and God’s Sovereignty

It would be interesting that while the Messianic tribe didn’t come from Joseph–he is portrayed to be a type of Jesus by many scholars. The life of Joseph was that he was his father’s son of a good old age, an expected child with Jacob’s beloved Rachel with whom he worked 14 years for, Rachel was unable to conceive at that time (and even made the error of giving Jacob another wife in Zilphah), and now Joseph was a special son.

Continue reading The Trials in Joseph’s Life and God’s Sovereignty

When Simeon and Levi Took the Law Into Their Hands

It’s amazing how Genesis can show us that God’s men were also sinners at the same time, saints, right? The issue is that we read the sins of the great heroes of the Old Testament–they were far from sinless and their sins are recorded for us to learn from. Polygamy for one was never God’s original plan for mankind either. Jacob was now learning it the hard way when he is reminded 24/7 that having 4 wives is a pain. Now, another dark blot in the life of his clan was the defiling of one his daughters (Dinah, the rest were not mentioned) in the pagan land of Shalem.

Continue reading When Simeon and Levi Took the Law Into Their Hands

Should We Reject COVID-19 Vaccination Because Pope Francis Said We Should Get Vaccinated?

The news that Pope Francis is urging people to receive the COVID-19 is no secret. However, some crazy conspiracy theorists are bound to say, “See, what did I tell you? COVID-19 is the mark of the Beast! The Pope is endorsing it!” The idea in itself is stupid for many reasons. For one, Pope Gregory introduced the Gregorian Calendar centuries ago and it’s not the Mark of the Beast. Did you know that Pope Francis actually endorsed natural family planning? A Catholic nun named Joan Chittister said that if you care about is a child born but not a child raised–you’re simply pro-birth. Both Pope Francis and Chittister are right about not having too many children if you’re financially incapable of raising them.

Continue reading Should We Reject COVID-19 Vaccination Because Pope Francis Said We Should Get Vaccinated?

Jacob’s 4 Wives Prove Why Polygamy is Not the Ideal Family Planning

The Bible’s real, original intended plan is for a man to have only 1 wife. Yet, the encounter of Jacob leads to the tragedy of having 4 wives. Jacob worked 14 years and had two wives. Both Leah and Rachel had servants namely Zilpah and Bilhah who became the other wives of Jacob. In total, it was a number of 4 wives which I couldn’t imagine the confusion it wrought.

Continue reading Jacob’s 4 Wives Prove Why Polygamy is Not the Ideal Family Planning

Learning Unconditional Election from Jacob and Esau

Now, it’s time to go back to the lessons in Genesis. God chose the lineage with Abraham then to Isaac over Ishmael. Now, it’s time to examine the two twin brothers namely Jacob and Esau. The story of both Jacob and his older twin brother Esau would also help explain the doctrine of unconditional election.

Continue reading Learning Unconditional Election from Jacob and Esau