A Biblical View of SIM CARD Registration

The Philippines had already officiated the SIM card registration law. It’s a law that’s been in several countries already. There can be protests from leftist groups about privacy. There can even be conspiracy theories on what the Mark of the Beast could be. Some people may be hesitant to register their SIM cards fearing what Revelation 14 says about receiving the mark and landing on the Lake of Fire. The same went for membership shopping, national ID, or COVID-19 vaccination laws (which include a vaccine passport).

Continue reading A Biblical View of SIM CARD Registration

Christmas Season Tragedies May Help in Pointing People to Jesus Christ

Christmas tends to distract the mind with heavy materialism a lot now, doesn’t it? It’s Christmas Eve and I remembered having a Christmas without the merry last year. A week before Christmas, Odette struck Visayas and Mindanao. Many areas still had no electricity and were still struggling during Christmas. No Christmas celebrations. If you Google “Christmas Day disasters”–you may find 25 devastating things that happened on Christmas Day. The idea that Christmas is that magical time when the world is at peace and love is foolish. The war between Russia and Ukraine is affecting innocent civilians from both sides. There’s a lot of crime during Christmas. The Ku Klux Klan was also founded during Christmas. So much for “Christmas magic” right?

Continue reading Christmas Season Tragedies May Help in Pointing People to Jesus Christ

Remembering the Mayan Calendar Ended on December 21, 2012, 10 Years Ago

Well, it’s December 21, 2012, and I could remember the talk that the world will end in 2012. The basis was the Mayan Calendar. It was talked that the world will end in 2012. If it wasn’t the end of the world, it was actually the end of the Church Age or the Rapture of the Church. What was amazing was that after December 21, 2012, I talked with fellow Christians and said, “If the Rapture really hit last December 21, we wouldn’t be here right now and the Earth would’ve entered the Seven-Year Tribulation Period.” I didn’t believe in the 2012 predictions because Matthew 24:36 and Acts 1:7 says that nobody knows the time but the Father only. It’s not for anyone to know those specific times and dates either.

Continue reading Remembering the Mayan Calendar Ended on December 21, 2012, 10 Years Ago

The Reality of Christmas Covetousness

It’s a few days before Christmas, right? Christmas has become a season for sin. In fact, the 10th commandment is violated several times over, in fact. It’s the time for that “good-old” Christmas shopping where people’s attitude tend to be at their worse. The cartoon above made by Answers in Genesis really talks about it. You can see how Christmas shopping or better yet XMas shopping.

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The Idea That Buddhism Isn’t an Organized Religion is Baffling

I could remember growing up in a very syncretic setting. I was a Catholic who also prayed in Buddhist and Taoist temples because it was a family tradition. Right now, some people say that Buddhism is “just a lifestyle”. Some Chinese Catholics I know are also participants in a Buddhist organization. I’ve known some Chinese Catholics who are also participants in the Buddhist charity organization known as Tzu Chi. The claim that Buddhism is just a lifestyle is baffling. If it was just a lifestyle then why is a Buddhist prayer service for the dead said some time after the Catholic novena? The sad truth is that after two prayer services–the soul of the unsaved person will still remain in Hell.

Continue reading The Idea That Buddhism Isn’t an Organized Religion is Baffling

God’s Delays Aren’t His Denials

It’s often said that justice delayed is justice denied. I was reminded of that when I read through the late Robert C. Sproul Sr.’s book The Holiness of God. I always felt that justice takes too slowly and maybe, I should have my revenge instead. On the contrary, even the Old Testament (which is often misrepresented) as to teaching vengeance. Yet, the Old Testament declares, “Vengeance is mine, says the LORD.” in Deuteronomy 32:35. Later, Paul penned it down in Romans 12:19 as well.

Continue reading God’s Delays Aren’t His Denials

The Teaching of Mary’s Immaculate Conception Compared to Scriptures

Today is December 8 which is celebrated as the Feast of Immaculate Conception. I’m getting used to the typical false accusation that Baptists and Protestants “hate Mary”. I love Mary, biblically. My problem is how Mary has been elevated beyond what she is. She would never declare herself above Jesus. In John 2:5, she told us to do whatever the Lord Jesus bids us to do. The Roman Catholic doctrine teaches that Mary was supposedly spared from original sin, unlike her parents.

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