Why James R. White of AOM Isn’t Likely to Invite Catholic FAKE Defenders from the Philippines to Formal Debates

I was thinking of the time I wrongly made a rude generalization about Catholic apologists. Fortunately, I was corrected in time. Some Catholic apologists are humanly speaking, good citizens. I made the rude generalization based on those Catholic faith defender wannabes in the Philippines. I was thinking that such people should not be welcome in formal debates. I doubt it that Reformed Baptist preacher, James R. White of Alpha and Omega Ministries, would even invite them. I doubt it that the John Ankerburg Show would’ve invited them over to a debate like they have with Mitch Pacwa. The late Walter Martin had a very professional debate with Pacwa.

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When DISHONEST Doctors Share Their “Findings” for the LOVE of Money

Vaccinations have slowed down, right? I was thinking about the problem when those who are sharing misinformation are actually qualified people. One good example is Andrew Wakefield, a former doctor who got stripped off his medical license. However, getting Wakefield’s license hasn’t stopped this doctor from becoming a quack doctor. Yes, Wakefield is a graduate of medicine but he misused his degree. Just because someone has a degree doesn’t mean one is automatically right. Some people use their degrees and knowledge for dishonest gains. The anti-vaxxer movement is full of people with the qualifications–something that makes it a very dangerous movement!

Continue reading When DISHONEST Doctors Share Their “Findings” for the LOVE of Money

Isaac as a Picture of Christ, a Christophany, and a Vicarious Sacrifice

Genesis 22 tells us of the story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac. Many people find this story bizarre. Well, it is, humanly speaking, that any father should be willing to sacrifice their own children. The hypocrisy kicks in when those who criticize Abraham’s decision are pro-abortion–why condemn human sacrifice of your own children when you support human abortion which has beaten out the altars of Baal and Moloch in that regard? This is one chapter that gives us three pictures–a picture of Christ, a Christophany, and a vicarious sacrifice.

Continue reading Isaac as a Picture of Christ, a Christophany, and a Vicarious Sacrifice

Lot Vexed a Lot Because of His Bad Decisions

Genesis would tell us of the faith of Abram and the contrast with his nephew Lot. Abram took lot with him in his journey from Haran to Mesopotamia. The voyage seemed fine in Genesis 12 until we read what happened in Genesis 13. Genesis 13 tells us the sad story that both sides started to accumulate too much wealth. The problem wasn’t wealth but the mismanagement of it. Abram offered a peaceful solution to Lot. They were to separate to avoid any more territorial dispute. I was wondering was the separation even the most feasible thing? For me, it seeme dto be rather foolish.

Continue reading Lot Vexed a Lot Because of His Bad Decisions

God’s Preservation of Ishmael’s Life Proves That Salvation is Also for the Gentiles

The Old Testament’s book of Genesis is literally about beginnings. We learn about the creation, the fall, the great flood, and the founding of the nations. The Earth was now getting into a newer condition when the giant land mass was now dividing itself further until we have the nations today. The Babel encounter in Genesis 11:1-9 tells us that the people were forced to scatter. Nimrod’s great enterprise got abandoned. I don’t suggest reading The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop due to how faulty it is. Instead, let’s focus on what factual information we can gather.

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The Sinner’s Free Will is Limited to Unbelief

Reformed theology or Calvinism (as it was named after John Calvin) is often criticized because of its emphasis on God’s sovereignty (often said, “It’s God’s will!”) and the sinner’s inability to choose for one’s self. I was finding it to be a very unusual doctrine. Some non-Calvinists still honor Calvin and Calvinist preachers. However, they feel that they have no divine obligation to be Calvinists. David W. Cloud of Way of Life Literature has honored many Calvinist brethren but still rejects Calvinism. Some non-Calvinists have referred to Calvinist literature but say, “I still can’t accept Calvinism. Election feels like it just gets rid of free will!”

Continue reading The Sinner’s Free Will is Limited to Unbelief

Reject Selfish Ambition and Arrogance for Humility and Selflessness

I remembered one of the biggest statements that’s so true is, “When there’s a fight, it’s usually caused by the pride of life.” How true. I remembered a couple of unnecessary conflicts I got into was because of somebody arrogant. A lot of marriages these days dissolve because of arrogance. A lot of children grow up rebellious not only because parents overindulge–it’s also when parents mire arrogance with parental authority. How often has the pride of life left us with so much unnecessary conflict!

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