The Book of Job and Dinosaurs

The subject is dinosaurs can be very fascinating. Unfortunately, many exhibits about dinosaurs prefer to use the Old Earth model which was supposedly 6.5 million years ago (or even older). However, a creation model will tell us that the worldwide flood will eventually cause climate change. A flood can have several effects on nature. How much more a worldwide flood would totally wreck the Earth. Imagine 40 days and 40 nights of rain and 150 days of flood. I couldn’t imagine what Noah and his family were feeling. Noah and his family would eventually mean we call came from them. Noah’s three sons namely Shem, Ham, and Japheth, would create several civilizations that will soon repopulate the world. I believe dinosaurs were in the ark but couldn’t survive any longer as climate change hit. The world’s environment changed shortening the lifespan of mankind.

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Proverbs 5:11 and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Some people say that the Bible can’t agree with science. Who says it can’t? It’s a matter of rejecting the evidence to suit one’s needs (Romans 1). As in reading through the Proverbs of Solomon, I feel that Solomon is writing the words of David again. David was a failure to most of his sons. It was impossible for him to maintain the household properly due to his polygynous lifestyle. What can be read in Proverbs 5 are the dangers of sexual promiscuity. The passage helps me why even ugly-looking women can be a source of sexual immorality. All it takes is Proverbs 5:3 where this forbidden woman is an enticing, flattering woman. I remembered a case where four men were conned by one ugly-looking woman. Sure, she was physically ugly but she knew how to manipulate those four men who were trapped in an illegal marriage with her.

Continue reading Proverbs 5:11 and Sexually Transmitted Infections

God is Not a Megalomaniac for Demanding, Seeking, and Requesting Worship from His Creation

I could remember when atheists call God a megalomaniac. There’s the question. “Why does God demand worship?” Atheist writer Richard Dawkins says this in his book The God Delusion:

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

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A Thought on Christian Pet Owners

It can be a hard thing when one loses a pet. There are times when a pet becomes a better companion than most people. The problem is beloved pets are rather short-lived over humans. A dog’s average lifespan from what I heard is 13 years. Some dogs live longer than that. I really always asked what God’s will be about pets. Some Christians can have questions about their pets. Animals have no need for salvation. Losing unsaved loved ones can hurt more than losing a pet. It’s because at this very moment–every unsaved person is still stuck in their incorrigibility in Hell like the rich man in Luke 16:19-31. Losing saved friends and relatives isn’t much of a sadness. Some saved people have died and I felt sadness but not for long, knowing that they’ve graduated into glory. Meanwhile, there’s the question if Christians can be reunited with their pets to whom they have been somewhat too attached. It can be a very tricky question to answer.

Continue reading A Thought on Christian Pet Owners

Enduring Patiently the Preaching God’s Word in the Midst of Stubborn People

As I opened my Tecarta Bible, today’s verse can be found in 2 Timothy 4:2-3. I’m going to quote from 2 Timothy 4:1-5 to give a bigger context. Paul was writing this letter from prison, the time when he was on death row during the reign of Emperor Nero. Paul was written in verses 6-8 that he was more than ready to die, he has fought the good fight, he has finished the face, and he has kept the faith. Paul was now encouraging Timothy to hold fast, especially with the crown of righteousness will give to those who love His appearance.

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It’s Very Difficult for Me NOT to Stoop Down to the Level of Wicked People

An entry of the John Piper devotional is about “Hope to Obey Hard Commands”. Right now, I pray that I can find the will to continue my study of the kings of Israel and Judah. I do still feel the temptation to strike (or even murder) those people who I believe wronged me and who wronged me. Peter was passing down the teachings of Jesus even in his old age. It’s only by God’s amazing grace that it would be easy to obey a difficult command. The difficult command is to love your enemies. It’s easy to memorize the words “Love your enemies.” but very hard to do.

Continue reading It’s Very Difficult for Me NOT to Stoop Down to the Level of Wicked People

Proverbs 4 May Verify that David Indeed Was a Co-Author of Proverbs

It’s very easy to talk about Solomon when it comes to Proverbs, right? We do know that Solomon had one wayward son in Rehoboam, who refused to follow the father’s instruction. What we may have ignored is that David had actually in 1 Chronicles 22 the charge of building the temple. 1 Chronicles 22:12-13 to Solomon to follow the Law of the LORD their God. I really believe that David wrote several instructions for Solomon to follow. Solomon would later edit them in the sense, that he would present himself as a speaker, and speak the words that his father had taught him.

Continue reading Proverbs 4 May Verify that David Indeed Was a Co-Author of Proverbs