Rome Sweet Home: A Look at False Converts Converting to Roman Catholicism

I remembered the time after I got saved that I was guilt-induced many times. I knew some people who came from an Evangelical background who later converted to Roman Catholicism. I was told about so and so and was once a Protestant, but found the truth, and became a Roman Catholic. At first, I was wondering if should I go back to Rome? But the more I studied the Bible – the more I realized I had to let go of past ambitions that didn’t match up with it. I was told to read the book Rome Sweet Home in which two Presbyterians became Roman Catholics later on. No one can deny that Steve Ray was formerly a Southern Baptist. Some members of are former Evangelicals. But does that mean that Roman Catholicism is the true Church? Far from it. If you had the Bible known to you by God’s grace then you can no longer accept a lie. But these Evangelicals converted to becoming Roman Catholics. John MacArthur’s book Hard to Believe even had some of his former seminary mates converting to Buddhism. If we’re to say that Protestants and Baptists converting to Catholicism means Catholicism is the truth–should we also say Buddhism is the truth because a Protestant or a Baptist converted to it?

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The Song of Solomon Shows How God Never Intended Men to Have Multiple Wives

Before moving on to discuss Rehoboam, I feel like discussing some other aspects of Solomon’s life. We can talk about his glorious beginning, his pathetic backslid state, and his repentance in Ecclesiastes. Solomon was a man known for his wisdom, beloved of his God, and a man who had repented as evidenced in Ecclesiastes. The Song of Solomon has one theme–you can only have one man for one wife. That’s something Solomon ignored years later in his life and paid dearly for it.

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Proof that Solomon was Indeed, No Doubt, a Saved Man

Solomon is a guy who gets into the argument for or against eternal security. I had my thoughts on Solomon with this stand that in the end–he still made to Heaven and was a regenerate man. I remembered the pastor joked and said, “If you see Solomon in Heaven then you can ask why he backslid so horribly by having many wives.” Solomon’s story in 1 Kings 1-11 can be seen with the theme of revival to ruin. Why revival to ruin? Solomon started off as a young king who was but 20 when his father David died at 70. Solomon’s parents David and Bathsheba had a very huge age gap. David was already old enough to be Solomon’s grandfather because Bathsheba is that young. The Scripture is silent about how Bathsheba died. 

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Solomon’s Road from Revival to Ruin was Caused by His Harem

We read of Solomon’s wisdom. Now we read of his folly. As long as he followed God–he had ruled wisely most of the time. Yet, before he asked for wisdom, he already had married with a pagan princess from Egypt and even built her a house. Though before that, many believe that the Song of Solomon was devoted to his first wife, the Shullamite, and his only love. A careful reading of the Song of Solomon will tell you how he later neglected the only love of his wife to pursue other women. Solomon had never learned from history such as Gideon’s many wives, the feud of Elkanah’s two wives, Abraham’s two wives fighting, Samson’s weakness was women, and that his half-brothers rebelled against their common father as a result of polygyny. David’s older sons rebelled also as a result of polygynous marriages.

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Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

God had used Solomon, a man under his father David’s shadow, to supervise building the Jewish Temple for seven long years. Now, we have the tale of Solomon’s wisdom spreading like fire. It would be some time after Solomon’s famous judgment of the two harlots and who was the real mother of the living child and the dead child. The account of Solomon’s visitation from the Queen of Sheba can be read in 1 Kings 10 and 2 Chronicles 9.

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When God Used a Younger, Weaker Solomon to Build a Mighty Temple

It does baffle me (at times) why God would pick some weak people to do the job. You could think of the Book of Judges as to how God mightily used Barak and Gideon, both cowards, Samson, an immature guy, and Jephthah, an illegitimate son by a whore, David the youngest son, and Solomon who was grown in the palace. David went all the way from shepherd boy to becoming a mighty king. David became a man of war who slain many of Israel’s enemies. The people sang that David had slain 10,000 and Saul only by thousands. David was a man fortified by trials, hit by fire, and was called a man after God’s own heart in spite of imperfections like his womanizing. We read Solomon was to build the temple. Now, Solomon was used by God to supervise the first Jewish Temple’s construction (1 Kings 6-9, 2 Chronicles 1-7).

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Saving Money for a Rainy Day is Biblical

I was pretty much out of ideas on what to write here. I wanted to write about Solomon and the temple but I would need to cross-read 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles to get the full account. Now, I decide to drop a random post. This time, it’s about money. Right now, the money market is rather cheap. I beg people to kindly stop using it as a red alarm concerning Revelation 6. The economic crisis spoken in Revelation 6 is during the Tribulation Period. I believe an economic crisis is a sign of the times. However, Jesus also warned in Matthew 24:36 that the day and the hour, no man knows but His Father only. Jesus had voluntarily suspended certain attributes (and He had to truly learn things) so He didn’t know (at that time) when the Father will return. Jesus knows in His divinity but not during His earthly ministry.

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