When Martin Luther Discovered How the Roman Priests Were Actually Pharisees Themselves

I’d like to give my own thoughts on another possible reason why Martin Luther launched a reformation. People call it the Reformation but I’d call it simply another reformation. Before Luther, there were also Jan Hus and Girolamo Savonarola who can be considered reformers themselves. Reforms mean amendments or correcting what’s wrong. The Baptists and other pre-Reformation groups also emerged before Luther came. I heard Baptists got called as such because they insisted on Biblical baptism by immersion and told Roman Catholics that their infant baptism didn’t save. For that, many Baptists were massacred during the Dark Ages. As Paul David Washer had said it right the reformers didn’t want to be called as such–they just wanted to be biblical. Luther as a Roman Catholic priest went to Rome and finally saw what he didn’t expect–a city that was full of hypocrisy from within!

Continue reading When Martin Luther Discovered How the Roman Priests Were Actually Pharisees Themselves

Why I Didn’t Return (and Don’t Want to Return) to Attending Roman Catholic Masses After I Got Saved

It’s Reformation month and I want to write about why I didn’t return to attending Catholic masses after I got saved. I could remember I was too mad at God, I wanted to convert to either Islam (so I could have more than one wife) or to full-time Buddhism at some point. Fortunately, the repeated preaching of the message of salvation and my knowing how bad I am really got me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I can’t recall the number of times I said an empty sinner’s prayer. I could remember the message of salvation was preached in Bible class that it’s all about trusting Jesus. Was it all there was to it? I found it hard to believe. The Gospel is indeed hard, if not impossible, for the lost sinner to believe outside God’s intervention.

Continue reading Why I Didn’t Return (and Don’t Want to Return) to Attending Roman Catholic Masses After I Got Saved

The Reformation is All About Upholding Biblical Doctrine Taught for Centuries Even BEFORE It Happened

The Reformation has gone from its 500th year to its 505th year. There is one truth about Church history–you really need to study its important events to show that the gates of Hell can’t prevail against the march of the Church! Though the Reformation is only 505 years old today–no Christian can deny that there were already pre-Reformation Christians. The true Church founded by Jesus Christ couldn’t be the Roman Catholic faith, and the need for revival is always there. That’s what the Reformation is all about. It’s one of the many great events of more than 2,000 years of the Church’s history that boldly proclaims the truth in Jesus’ name!

Continue reading The Reformation is All About Upholding Biblical Doctrine Taught for Centuries Even BEFORE It Happened

A Call for Continued Reformation Against the Ecumenical Movement

2017 was the 500th year of the beginning of the Reformation. October 31, 1517, was when Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the Wittenburg Door. Later, 1521 became the year when Luther faced the Diet of Worms. We’ve had the Vatican II Council which was founded by John XIII. I was born during the reign of the late John Paul II, passed through the short reign of resigned Benedict XVI (who had a stroke), and incumbent Pope Francis had a knee problem presumably due to old age of 85 years old. The Vatican II Council has been talking about interreligious dialogue.

Continue reading A Call for Continued Reformation Against the Ecumenical Movement

The Heresy of the Late Italian Exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth

I remembered browsing (in the past) against Catholic fake defenders (and I’m not going to single them out) such as how a certain woman kept saying, “Catholic priests save souls!” The statement itself is very damning. It’s one of the biggest root causes of why the sales of indulgences happened. Since October is also the Rosary Month–I really ran into this quote by the late Gabriele Amorth, a Vatican exorcist. Sadly, the guy died at 91 without receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Now, I’d like to share my experience with how this quote is totally unbiblical. Sorry to say but Catholicism has rejected the Word of God to keep its own tradition while accusing born-again Christians of the same thing.

Continue reading The Heresy of the Late Italian Exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth

My Thoughts on Proverbs 30:28’s Translation of “Spider” vs. “Lizard”

I remembered back in Bible class when I was influenced by the KJV Only moment. So far, I tried to convince the pastor that it was time to go back to the KJV. I still had a stance that while I could embrace many Christians who are non-KJV Only but I was still convinced (for a time) that KJV was the only reliable English translation while the rest are supposedly corrupt. One of the reasons was because of the usage of “lizard” over “spider” in Proverbs 30:8. However, doing some commentary studies revealed a different detail that falls flat against the KJV Only movement.

Continue reading My Thoughts on Proverbs 30:28’s Translation of “Spider” vs. “Lizard”

My Thoughts on the Usage of “Pisseth Against the Wall” in the KJV Translation

As I’m preparing to do my study on the kings of Israel and Judah–a phrase repeated six times in the KJV’s Old Testament is “pisseth against the wall”. The modern translations use “every male person”. Yet, we have fundamentalist nutjob Steven Anderson taking the whole “pisseth against the wall” straight out of context. I tried hard not to laugh but I can’t help but laugh at how the preaching is so out of context!

Continue reading My Thoughts on the Usage of “Pisseth Against the Wall” in the KJV Translation