Dying for the Stupidity of the Anti-Vaccine Cause

It’s one thing to die for something worth dying. It’s another thing to die for something stupid. The anti-vaxxer movement shouldn’t even be regarded as heroes as they’re dying in the name of their stupid propaganda. It’s not like those Christians who died to tell others about Jesus or to die proclaiming the truth. This is dying for a lie that has caused more people to die.

The damage that was caused by COVID-19 conspiracy theories is unspeakable. Many of these conspiracy theories have a terribly bad chronological order. One conspiracy theory (now debunked) is the idea that the 1987 Spanish Flu Pandemic was caused by vaccines. This idea was spread by the nutjjobs such as Patrick Scrivener of Reformation Online–a website that would certainly make any sound Reformed preacher cringe at the stupid content and logical fallacies. Jesus-is-Savior is also no different with its whole pack of wacky conspiracy theories by convicted sex pervert David J. Stewart.

The big concerns behind the vaccine can be linked to false information. Some have even gone as far as to call the “mark of the beast” because a vaccine passport is now required to control businesses. For instance, a very wrong logic would be to say that it’s wrong to take the COVID-19 vaccine because Pope Francis is encouraging people to take it. Another is because Louis Pasteur was a religious Roman Catholic. One is the argument of guilty by association and the other is a genetic fallacy. Sure, Pasteur was unsaved but his invention had saved lives. Pasteurization and vaccination helped curb epidemics at a dramatic rate. The Greek doctor Hippocrates may be a pagan but his oath has been used in the medical industry.

Dying for a lie is one of the worst things you can do. If people should die for anything–it should be to get the truth out. It’s not worth it to die for the lies of the anti-vaccine movement. The real bigots are now the anti-vaxxer movement who have been using misinformation for their campaign drives. The fight against misinformation is a very important battle and the anti-vaxxers are among those big liars who must be debunked.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.