1 Corinthians 13’s Translation of Agape as Love or Charity

I remembered the time I started off with the NIV then got into the KJV Only Movement. One of the things I noticed is that the KJV uses the word “charity” instead of “love” in 1 Corinthians 13. The first KJV Bible I had admitted in its notes that the word “charity” is now “love’ in the modern language such as how “bowels” is translated as “affection” in Philippians 1:8. So, how did the translation of agape as charity

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Do You Know the Late Jack Hyles’ Well-Kept Secret?

Being a fundamentalist can mean a lot of those crazy stuff. There was Chick Publications and Jesus-is-Savior for some of those things. I remembered considering the late Alberto R. Rivera Sr. was a hero until his story was proven to be fraud. It took me some time to realize that Rivera was a charlatan. Another guy worth mentioning who should’ve been disqualified from the pulpit was the late Dr. Jack Hyles. I don’t mean to be unkind but I feel this is another false brother to be exposed. Hyles has been considered a hero for some time and some of his followers defend him rabidly. It’s no different from the supporters of Rivera who tend to call those who disagree with them as “Jesuit spies” without any credible proof whatsoever. Some of the Hyles supporters tend to be like that too where some of the are dishonest and quarrelsome online trolls.

Continue reading Do You Know the Late Jack Hyles’ Well-Kept Secret?

David’s Sin of Asking for Shelter from the Enemy

After some time, I decided that I would write about David’s lapse of faith by asking for shelter from the enemy. 1 Samuel 27 and 29 (while 1 Samuel 28 tells us of Saul adn the Witch of Endor) tells us of the unfortunate incident when David loses his faith. 1 Samuel 27 tells us of David fearing that he would one day die at the hands of Saul. It would also be in this incident when Psalm 34 was written after he was rejected shelter.

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