Proverbs 5:11 and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Some people say that the Bible can’t agree with science. Who says it can’t? It’s a matter of rejecting the evidence to suit one’s needs (Romans 1). As in reading through the Proverbs of Solomon, I feel that Solomon is writing the words of David again. David was a failure to most of his sons. It was impossible for him to maintain the household properly due to his polygynous lifestyle. What can be read in Proverbs 5 are the dangers of sexual promiscuity. The passage helps me why even ugly-looking women can be a source of sexual immorality. All it takes is Proverbs 5:3 where this forbidden woman is an enticing, flattering woman. I remembered a case where four men were conned by one ugly-looking woman. Sure, she was physically ugly but she knew how to manipulate those four men who were trapped in an illegal marriage with her.

Reading Proverbs 5:11 talks in such a brutal way. It mentions groaning at the end of one’s life when one’s flesh and one’s body are consumed. The late J. Vernon McGee also comments:

Whaat a warning is given here to this young man. This gives a true picture of the end result of venereal disease. At last there is a mourning when the flesh and the body are consumed. Here in California, venereal disease has reached epidemic proportions.

McGee was writing the commentary back in his day. Today, much of America is suffering from ignoring because young people are ignoring the warnings given to them. California is suffering as a result of rebellious youth. Hearing how San Francisco has deteriorated due to defunding the police (and capitalism is wrongfully blamed) is not a pretty picture. I could talk day in and day out about it and most people will not listen. Tell them the facts and they will ignore it. They don’t want the facts, they do what they want, and then they foolishly wonder why deterioration happens. That’s just how foolish humanity in its fallenness can be! So much for saying men are basically good!

There are a lot of bizarre pictures on the Internet of the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). I’m not going to post them here. However, I would like to say it’s not a pretty picture. The body can be destroyed from within and without in different ways. I feel that such pictures are best saved for medical books, not this blog. What I can say, however, is that reading about STDs and their effect on the body can make me puke imagining it. How much more if the pictures were placed for all to see? It was a good thing that high school biology textbooks only played either illustrations or grayscale images. Otherwise, it would be very hard to look at them for study purposes.

I remembered a values education teacher who went home to be with the LORD. When she was alive, she discussed how stuff like homosexuality, bestiality, orgies, and the like caused such destruction. It was part of our sex education in high school biology class. In Corinth, there was a practice of worshiping the penis. I heard that Asherah poles contained a male sex organ on top of it. The Greeks frequently had naked gods and goddesses on display, not just Aphrodite the promiscuous sex goddess who has children by different fathers. Prostitutes themselves knew how to entice others to engage in sexual intercourse with them. Temple prostitution literally turned sex, which is supposedly a wonderful thing for a loving relationship, into an abomination. She also pointed out articles on National Geographic talking about the twisted sex life of ancient civilizations.

I even think God’s reason to cremate Sodom and Gomorrah is due to how diseased it was. HIV remains active in dead bodies kept at two degrees Celsius for 6-15 days. I could imagine that’s why God burned down both cities to the ground. Apparently, no cities ever recorded were as promiscuous as Sodom and Gomorrah. I could imagine that many evil civilizations destined for termination (such as Canaan and Amalek) had these immoralities too. Apparently, Sodom was so great that the word sodomy came out of it. Sodomy is defined as either anal sex (especially between men) or sex between a man and an animal. Homosexuality is having sexual relations with the same sex. Either way, the damage done by those who practice such sins can’t be denied. Destroying the cities by fire was a surefire way to disinfect both sites.

God’s command for sexual purity is for our own good. Sure, it can be pleasurable to engage in relations with a wanton person. A forbidden woman, regardless of how she looks, has more allure than the most beautiful-looking trim, and proper woman. The pleasure is fleeting as such people tend to cheat on each other, violent fights can break out, and there’s the blame game when STDs finally hit. Treatment for STDs can be very expensive. A lot of that money could’ve been used for investments and charity. Why get your money wasted on things that don’t matter or try to enjoy it where the pleasure only leads to ruin?

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.