Feng Shui is Contrary to God’s Word

Photo by Klub Boks on Pexels.com

Today is Chinese New Year’s Eve. It’s very common for unsaved Chinese people to dabble in Feng Shui during the 15 days celebration of the Chinese New Year. Normally, a more non-religious celebration of the Chinese New Year is simply welcoming another lunar year. However, the pagan aspect would require a 15-day celebration which includes the birthday of the Jade Emperor (Day 9) and the Lantern Festival (Day 15). I almost even dropped Chinese New Year because of the superstitions associated with it. However, like Christmas, Chinese New Year can be divorced from the pagan aspects. Feng Shui can be separated from welcoming the Lunar New Year. Plus, Feng Shui has no place in the Christian life.

Continue reading Feng Shui is Contrary to God’s Word

Typical Chinese Family Values vs. Biblical Family Values

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

The Chinese New Year is just around the corner. I feel like writing about traditional Chinese family values vs. biblical family values. A lot of wrong family values can stem from wrong beliefs. What you believe can affect the way you live. I was grown in a traditional ethnic Chinese family. There’s a lot of dysfunctionality that I’ve noticed aside from the blatant triple religion. Now, I feel it’s time to talk about Christianity and why it can’t agree with typical Chinese parenting.

Continue reading Typical Chinese Family Values vs. Biblical Family Values

The Confusing World of Chinese Syncretism

The Chinese New Year is coming, right? I’d like to point out that I grew up with a syncretic background. I wasn’t only raised Roman Catholic but also a part-time Buddhist and a part-time Taoist. I did almost want to convert to full-time Buddhism at one point in my life. I only told 1/3 of the truth when I said I used to be a Catholic or I used to be a Buddhist. I didn’t want to admit outright that I was practicing three religions at once. This is what’s called syncretism–that’s when one combines two or more religious views. I could say I was called out of syncretic faith and not just Roman Catholicism.

Continue reading The Confusing World of Chinese Syncretism

When Christians End Up Misled by Less Obvious False Prophets

Jeroboam I started a bizarre cult in 1st Kings 13. A prophet, whose name isn’t mentioned for some reason, shows up and starts to prophesy. The prophecy was that one day, a king named Josiah will be born in the House of David and destroy those idolatrous altars. That’s what Josiah later did in his reign. Sadly, Josiah failed to raise godly sons all before generations later, his great-grandson Zerubabbel was a good man. It seems that the curse was uplifted through the House of David was never restored. The unnamed prophet condemned Jeroboam I’s wicked religion which tried to worship the LORD their way instead of His Way.

Continue reading When Christians End Up Misled by Less Obvious False Prophets

Rehoboam’s Folly

After several months of focusing on Luke (for December), I think it’d be time to blog about the kings of Israel and Judah. It can be a very hard topic because one needs to read through 1st Kings, 2nd Kings, 1st Chronicles, and 2nd Chronicles to get the whole glimpse. We have Rehoboam who inherited the throne at 41 years of age but proved to be in his father’s shadow. We can read about his reign in 1st Kings 12-14 and 2nd Chronicles 10-12. This would be where Rehoboam’s foolishness can be contrasted with Solomon’s wisdom. Solomon did backslide horribly later. I guess this is why Rehoboam’s reign was a contrast to Solomon’s glorious beginning.

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Entering the Kingdom of God Through Much Tribulation

I was reading through John Piper’s solid devotionals and yesterday’s passage was “Grace Denied and Grace Supplied”. The key verse was Acts 14:22. The context here has Paul’s great reversal. Paul was stoning Christians. Now, more than just reaping what he sowed back when he was unsaved. He was now stoned for being a Christian! Paul once the persecutor of Christians was now persecuted for being one. Instead of mumbling, Paul still continued in the task of preaching. We can later read that he exhorted believers to continue in the faith. Then we have the statement that Christians must go through much tribulation to enter into the Kingdom of God.

Continue reading Entering the Kingdom of God Through Much Tribulation

The Wise Men Sought the Lord Jesus Christ

Today is January 6 which is traditionally the Catholic feast day of the three kings. However, it’s a very big misconception to call them the three kings. I remembered a pastor who said, “But they are wise men.” We want to stick to the facts. I feel like writing about the wise men who sought the Lord Jesus. I believe much time has lapsed from Matthew 1 to Matthew 2. Matthew 2 tells us the story of the wise men and Herod’s infamous massacre. I would like to share my thoughts on the wise men and Herod the Great.

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