Practicing Discernment in Searching for Christian Websites

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Whether we want to admit it or not, the Internet is a marvelous invention. However, it can also be with its perils just like any scientific innovation meant to help us. The telephone which can be used to bridge long distances can also be used to distance people using malicious slander. The Internet is no different. There are plenty of obvious sites that Christians are to avoid (such as sites that promote violence, occultism, false religion, and the like). However, what’s often ignored is that the search for Christian websites to learn more about Christianity can be far more tricky. Dr. John F. MacArthur’s book Fool’s Gold warns that not all that glitters is gold. The same goes when a Christian searches for Christian websites. Not every website that seems to glorify God is of God or edifying to the Christian ministry.

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