Learning More About Proper Biblical Interpretation

As I’m writing along the way, I feel the need to continue blogging in an expository way as much as possible. Even my Lenten readings and writings need to be taken into context. I was laughing at this clip by Dr. John F. MacArthur, which is taken from this topical sermon called “Proper Bible Interpretation“. I listened to the audio and laughed over what was mentioned.

Continue reading Learning More About Proper Biblical Interpretation

I’m Taking a Break from Ezra to Prepare for the 40 Days Lenten Bible Reading Plan

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels.com

I wanted to continue with Ezra but as I predicted, I wouldn’t finish Ezra before Ash Wednesday begins this February 14. Writing can be a relaxing thing but it can also be very stressful at times. Writing and researching about the Bible is both interesting and exhausting at the same time. It’s like playing a sport can be enjoyable but it can be exhausting. I enjoy having long walks and aerobics but I will feel tired at the end of every session. As I was reading through Ezra 5, I realized that I may need a break from Ezra to focus on Lenten Bible reading.

Continue reading I’m Taking a Break from Ezra to Prepare for the 40 Days Lenten Bible Reading Plan

The Bad Hermeneutics Behind Saying the COVID-19 Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast

Photo by CDC on Pexels.com

Vaccination is indeed going on and you’ve got crazy anti-vaxxers spreading all sorts of stupid claims. One of them is the microchip in the vaccine rather than the microchip used in some containers for monitoring purposes. People need to heed the late J. Vernon McGee’s advice is that the recent technologies are not yet the fulfillment of prophecy while they show how prophecy can come to pass. Now, the claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the Beast is a result of bad hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the science of studying and interpreting Scriptures. A real lack of proper reading, interpretation, getting some proper context, and use of the right lexicons and concordances can result in really stupid interpretations. I mean, who can remember the claim that the late Saddam Hussein is the Beast and he’s now too dead to be the Beast?

Continue reading The Bad Hermeneutics Behind Saying the COVID-19 Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast

Why Expository Preaching is Important

What does expository preaching mean? It means to have an exposition of the Word of God, to expound, and to to put into context. It requires diligent study of the the original language, the context, and the figures of speech used. This is something that’s sorely lacking in churches. Its importance must be discussed as thoroughly as possible.

Continue reading Why Expository Preaching is Important