What I Felt While Reading John F. MacArthur’s “Worship: The Ultimate Priority”

I could remember how I once thought John F. MacArthur taught salvation by works, only because I spent too much reading David J. Stewart’s site. I did feel some conviction about some stuff Stewart wrote yet it was hard to get out of it because of the conspiracy theories. Fortunately, I stopped and decided to investigate MacArthur’s site Grace to You, and found out he wasn’t teaching salvation by works or what lordship salvation is all about. There’s a wealth of books written by MacArthur. My first book was called Fool’s Gold. Later, I decided to investigate The Gospel According to Jesus and Hard to Believe. One book I later got (and at a cheaper price due to being legally and locally printed in the Philippines) is Worship: The Ultimate Priority. The book covers what the Christian life is all about–worshiping God.

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John F. MacArthur’s Book “Hard to Believe” is a Must Read

John F. MacArthur’s book Hard to Believe suffered from controversy due to bad editing during its first edition. The error was glaring and the book got published without MacArthur’s approval. It was also sensationalized by Jesus-is-Savior’s David J. Stewart (who’s released under parole). So, for the statement, we can read this in page 96 of the said book:

Don’t believe anyone who says it’s easy to become a Christian. Salvation for sinners cost God His own Son; it cost God’s Son His life, and it’ll cost you the same thing. Salvation isn’t gained by reciting mere words. Saving faith transforms the heart, and that in turn transforms behavior. Faith’s fruit is seen in actions, not intentions. There’s no room for passive spectators: words without actions are empty and futile. Remember that what John saw in his vision of judgment was a Book of Life, not a book of Words or Book of Intellectual Musings. The life we live, not the words we speak, reveals whether our faith is authentic.

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Why The Late D. James Kennedy’s Book “Why I Believe” is a Must-Read

Years ago, I remembered visiting a local Christian bookstore in search for books. It was also that time I got into Chick Publications because it was selling like hotcakes like the Alberto series by the late Jack T. Chick. However, the first book I bought was Why I Believe by D. James Kennedy. I still have my old edition (and it’s really falling apart) which had a localized version published by Christian Growth Ministries in 41 Cordillera Street, Mandaluyong City, in the Philippines. It was the first born-again Christian book I read and that should’ve convinced me to try and get the books by Dr. John F. MacArthur and Robert C. Sproul Sr. Sadly, I was too distracted by conspiracy sites Chick Publications and later, Jesus-is-Savior, which muddled issues in a lot together.

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“Fool’s Gold? Discerning Truth in an Age of Error” by Dr. John F. MacArthur is a Must-Read

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Memories of having had a shift from the fundamentalist nutjobbery of Jesus-is-Savior (though I still remained a KJV Onlyist) to actually investigating John F. MacArthur myself led me to buy the book called Fool’s Gold? Discerning Truth in an Age of Error which was reprinted by Christian Growth Ministries (CGM) Literature Ministry located in #129 13th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City. The book itself was an interesting read to the books by MacArthur who served as the general editor while he had assistance from Nathan Busenitz, Phil Johnson, Rick Holland, Kurt Bebhards, and Dan Dumas in many of the chapters. The book wasn’t entirely written by MacArthur, though he stood out as its general editor of this wonderful book.

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