Charles H. Spurgeon as a Preacher Admired by Calvinists and Non-Calvinists

Charles H. Spurgeon is often hailed as the Prince of Preachers. Having preached thousands of expository sermons. Sure, I enjoy hearing expository preaching from both Calvinists and non-Calvinists. I started enjoying listening to John F. MacArthur’s preachings after I stopped reading Jesus-is-Savior, that conspiracy nutjob site. I wasn’t planning on becoming a Calvinist. A non-Calvinist can even read through Spurgeon’s works, gain in, and say, “Okay, I’ll just reject Calvinism like his cigar smoking!” It’s possible to appreciate John Calvin while not understanding Calvinism. For one, Calvinism was a term that came decades after Calvin was buried in an unmarked grave. Calvin was the founder of the Presbyterian movement in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Yes, Quarrelsome KJV-Onlyists Also Exist Aside from Quarrelsome Calvinists

I can get amused when any KJV-only pastor jumps into a rather hasty generalization. It goes pretty much like this, “Calvinists are quarrelsome!” However, back in the days when I was still in Cebu Bible Baptist Church, I could remember a brother-in-Christ saying about Pastor Danny Bornales of Anabaptist Cebu, “I don’t believe in that guy. He quarrels with pastors who don’t use the KJV. You need to be gentle in correcting them because they are still family.” This makes me think that kind of attitude lacks the qualifications for a pastor (1 Timothy 3:1-7). Maybe, one can also name Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church. Maybe, we can name the late Jack Hyles and his die-hard defenders.

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Yes, There are Quarrelsome Calvinists But NOT All Calvinists are Quarrelsome

I remember listening to sermons from Cebu Bible Baptist Church on YouTube during COVID-19. Its senior pastor, Robert Kent P. Jesalva said in Cebuano to the pulpit, “These Calvinists are quarrelsome.” I’d say that he’s partly right, especially after reading “Why Are Calvinists So Mean?” by Jared C. Wilson from The Gospel Coalition. I’m still friends with Pastor Robert Kent even after I adopted Reformed Theology or what’s often nicknamed Calvinism. I’m still grateful for the ministry of his father, Pastor Armie F. Jesalva. The 50th anniversary of Cebu Bible Baptist Church was dedicated to soulwinning over festivities. Cebu Bible Baptist Church is still a soulwinning church. In due fairness, Robert Kent mentioned something like, “Let’s stop arguing and let’s go soulwinning.” in the same sermon where he said (but made a hasty generalization) that Calvinists are quarrelsome. Many times, some non-Calvinists tend to raise the real issue that there are indeed, mean Calvinists.

Continue reading Yes, There are Quarrelsome Calvinists But NOT All Calvinists are Quarrelsome

Teachers are Called to be Mentors, NOT Tormentors

There’s no doubt that the Bible places the importance of teachers in the Christian life. The pastor is a teacher and preacher of the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 12:28 says that first there are apostles, second there are prophets, and third, there are teachers. Ephesians 4:11 includes both the office of a preacher and a teacher. You can’t deny that teaching has an important part in the Christian life. However, do you know that some teachers today are actually not doing their job as they should? They’re becoming tormentors instead of mentors!

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The Role of Teachers in the Christian Church

Photo by Max Fischer on

I believe in the saying that the pastor is both the teacher and preacher of God’s Word. Yes, pastors are also to be included during teacher’s day. Since today is teacher’s day, I feel like emphasizing the importance of teachers. Every pastor is assigned as a teacher but not every teacher is a pastor. There’s the need for teachers as evidenced in 1 Corinthians 12:27 which says that God sent apostles first, prophets second, teachers third, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. Ephesians 4:11 states that God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds (pastors in the KJV), and teachers.

Continue reading The Role of Teachers in the Christian Church

NONE Are Innocent from the Things That the LORD Hates

It’s very easy to say, “I’m fine! I’m doing good deeds! I go to church, I help the poor…” All is well, right? Unfortunately, the gods of paganism don’t rule the Universe but the God of the Bible does. Proverbs 6:16-19 describes six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him.

16 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him; 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed in innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make hates to run to evil, 19 a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. (ESV)

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When Non-Calvinists Openly Admit to Using Calvinist Sources (and Vice-Versa)

Years ago, I remembered becoming a non-KJV Only to becoming a KJV Only Fundamentalist. In spite of that, I still embraced Calvinists and non-KJV Only as family members as long as they showed signs of being born again. We do have some rabid anti-Calvinists who divide the body. In my case, I still respected those deemed Calvinists but not the hyper-Calvinists. I ended up getting into a world of confusion after my habit of reading Chick Publications landed me in Jesus-is-Savior. I did stop reading Jesus-is-Savior around 2011. It was a hard habit to break because conspiracy theories are mental drugs. I did manage to investigate John F. MacArthur’s websites and found myself agreeing with a lot of stuff. That’s all except MacArthur’s (and other similar preachers) stand on Calvinism. I still felt Calvinism is out of place even after discovering the KJV Bible is a Calvinist translation. Sadly, some non-Calvinists are still unaware that the KJV Bible as well as other sources, are Calvinist sources.

Continue reading When Non-Calvinists Openly Admit to Using Calvinist Sources (and Vice-Versa)