The Extremely High Cost and LOW VALUE of Extramarital Affairs

Proverbs 6 ends with the topic of the strange woman. I really do believe that Solomon is uttering the words of his father David. David must’ve been teaching Solomon about what to avoid. David was known to have had several wives. David should’ve forgotten about Michal (who he was divorced from) and stayed faithful to Abigail. Instead, one can read that David pursued Ahinoam to be another wife and Amnon was born from that sinful union. David kept taking more wives until he couldn’t take care of his harem. That’s why we’ve got a record of Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah rebelling against their father David in one way or another. How could David even bother raising them properly when he was too busy breaking God’s law taking many wives?

Continue reading The Extremely High Cost and LOW VALUE of Extramarital Affairs

NONE Are Innocent from the Things That the LORD Hates

It’s very easy to say, “I’m fine! I’m doing good deeds! I go to church, I help the poor…” All is well, right? Unfortunately, the gods of paganism don’t rule the Universe but the God of the Bible does. Proverbs 6:16-19 describes six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him.

16 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him; 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed in innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make hates to run to evil, 19 a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. (ESV)

Continue reading NONE Are Innocent from the Things That the LORD Hates

Understanding What It Means to Aspire to Live Quietly (2 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

I opened my Tecarta Bible and found the verse of the day. I will be referring to both the KJV and the ESV. The ESV uses the term to aspire to live quietly while the KJV uses the term study to be quiet. The Greek word for study as defined in the KJV Concordance is philotimeomai. The word means to be fond of honor (a.) to be actuated by a love of honor, b.) to be ambitious) or to be ambitious (to strive earnestly, make it one’s aim). This isn’t a command not to go soulwinning or warn people. Instead, it’s all about the principles of knowing when to intervene and not to intervene.

Continue reading Understanding What It Means to Aspire to Live Quietly (2 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Physical Death is But Graduation Day for the Who Receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

Psalm 116:15 says that precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. The NIV uses the term “faithful servants” instead of “saints”. The Hebrew word for saint is chasiyd which means faithful, kind, godly, holy, saint, or pious. I was looking at a few people who have been taken home to the LORD. I can’t help but want to send a graduation cake to the bereaving family of the saint. They are in mourning but that mourning gets cut short when they realize, “Do I want to disturb the felicity that they’re encountering right now?”

Continue reading Physical Death is But Graduation Day for the Who Receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Can Hinder Missions to Muslims

It’s September 11 right? Although it’s been more than 10 years since it happened, I can’t forget the hype and the fear that it caused. Some people assumed that it would be World War 3 because of some bogus prophecy of Nostradamus. Some people used Nostradamus’ prophecy to try and defend the idea of a December 21, 2012, Rapture date. What made me laugh was that December 21, 2012, came, and no Rapture of the Church! There have been a couple of 9/11 conspiracy theories given out on sites like Cutting Edge, InfoWars, Jesus-is-Savior, Conspiracy Planet, Conspiracy World, Reformation Online, Chick Publications, etc. Some of them are borderline unprovable yet I used to believe them. That’s why I’ve got a lot of retired research and 9/11 conspiracy theories are among those things better cast down (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Continue reading 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Can Hinder Missions to Muslims

A Wicked Person’s SUDDEN Calamity

There are many times that wickedness seems to go unpunished, right? It’s a real pain to think that so many wicked people seem to have it okay. Today, social media tends to favor the stupidity of Generation Z social justice warriors (SJWs). Tell them something that offends them and you can get a restriction or even a ban. It’s utterly crazy to lump together those who tell the truth with those who deserve to get their social media accounts banned (such as pedophiles and terrorists). Proverbs 6:12-15 talks about the wicked man’s behavior. I must ask really who hasn’t done this one? Yet, there are also people who claim to be saved but continue in this pattern, proving that they’re unsaved.

Continue reading A Wicked Person’s SUDDEN Calamity

Mary, the Earthy Mother of Jesus, and Predestination

In the discussion of Reformed Theology, it would be important to emphasize what the Lord Jesus said in John 15:16. That is the disciples didn’t choose Jesus but He chose them instead. The doctrine of unconditional is hard to swallow. In Mary’s choosing, it just can’t be any woman. Why was Mary chosen to be the mother of Jesus out of so many people at that time? Genesis 3:15 talks about the Seed of a woman. Isaiah 7:14 talks about how a virgin will give birth to a child. Mary never dreamed that it would be she who would get that great privilege among women. Everything must really link itself to the Old Testament prophecies.

Continue reading Mary, the Earthy Mother of Jesus, and Predestination