Fools Think They’re Always Right, Wise People Know They’re Fools in Need of Advice

Whether we like to admit it or not, humanity is not born wise. Sometimes, the best thing to say is, “If you want to see the biggest fool, why not look at the mirror?” As I was looking for a topic to write, Proverbs 12:15 would be a good topic. It says, “The way of the fool is right in his own eyes but a wise man listens to advice.” The KJV uses the word hearken which is to hear. The word for fool as the KJV Concordance is eviyl where we might’ve gotten the word evil. Interestingly, the name Evil-Merodach has the Hebrew word ewil which also means fool. I guess the word evil getting derived from eviyl just fits the picture perfectly.

There’s a quote often attributed to the writer William Shakespeare saying, “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” It’s very easy to think you’re so smart. Why do you think children often are found in trouble such as throwing food at their parents or nanny, or throwing something at the teacher, even as young as pre-school? Proverbs 22:15 says that foolishness is bound in the heart of the child. Foolishness in Hebrew is ivveleth where we might get the English word evilness. Evilness is bound in the heart of the child. That’s why it’s recommended that when they do something wrong–they need to be reprimanded with the rod of correction either figuratively or literally depending on the situation. That rod of correction will teach the child right from wrong, something that’s not fully programmed in their sinful minds and hearts.

It’s very easy to get intimidated when one asks necessary questions. Often, when a person asks a necessary question, they are often ridiculed with statements like, “What are you? Stupid?” Sometimes, it can happen because stupid questions tend to be asked. However, when mockery arises like, “You’re old enough! Most people don’t ask questions anymore at your age!”–it encourages foolishness. Most of the time, such people who ask questions have this huge sense of entitlement and intellectual superiority. It’s at best an illusion because they’re only wise in their own eyes. Some old folks think they’ve learned everything that they become old fools. Meanwhile, the wise old folks are still continuously learning even as they provide advice to the younger folks.

A wise person knows he doesn’t know everything. Solomon, when he became king, prayed for wisdom. Solomon already had a lot of advice from David before he was king. David also made terrible mistakes in his life. In 1 Kings 3:6-8, Solomon knew he couldn’t rule the people by himself. Solomon was probably remembering everything David taught him. I believe Solomon was recollecting what David said in Proverbs 1-3 about wisdom. David probably wrote down a lecture for Solomon, which in turn, was a reference to Proverbs. Solomon knew that he was foolish, unable to have good judgment and that he lacked that understanding heart.

There’s often the statement, “Once a fool, always a fool.” However, that’s really a false statement because a fool can either remain to be a fool or stop being a fool. If a fool starts abandoning the wrong companions to learn from the wise, he or she can become wiser. Titus 3:3 has Paul writing to Titus that they were once fools. They used to be fools until Christ came into their lives. Being a fool is a result of the sinful condition of humanity. Wisdom is something that a fool must work on. Only when a fool starts to see they’re fools in need of wisdom that they become wise.

A real wise person knows he or she doesn’t know everything. A wise person who has financial illiteracy starts to get advice from the best financial experts. A wise person who wants to learn new skills starts to accept criticism. Criticism isn’t easy to swallow because of pride. However, if you don’t take constructive criticism then how will you improve? That’s why it’s said fools reject wisdom and criticism. To foolish people, they feel they know everything. For wise people, they see themselves as fools constantly in need of learning. Yes, I’m a fool but I’m a fool who’s willing to learn. A real fool is someone who thinks he or she is so smart, even becomes so sure even when they’re not right. A wise man is always ready to accept that they’re wrong. Hence, that’s when the wise man knows he’s a fool while a foolish man thinks he’s wise.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.