Jesus’ Shocking Revelation and Rebuke After Peter’s Confession

It’s very easy to talk about Peter’s confession. Peter confessed the identity of the Lord Jesus in full. Jesus soon gave Peter the assurance that ” You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.” The GNT version adds, “You are a rock and upon this Rock.” It clearly says Peter can’t be the rock upon which the Church is built. Rather, Peter is told of the strong sure foundation. Peter was but a sinner saved by grace. Every righteous saint is also a repentant sinner. The keys are the preaching of the Gospel. Peter, as the first pastor of the New Testament, was given a tremendous responsibility. It seemed Peter was getting too excited. However, the Lord Jesus was going to burst their bubble with a truth that must be fulfilled.

In Matthew 16:21-23, we read Jesus’ shocking revelation. Just because Christians are saved doesn’t mean they’re totally sanctified. A Christian may leave a life of crime after they’re saved. However, wicked thoughts are very hard to combat even if one avoids the physical act. It might be easy to dodge physical adultery but not mental adultery. It might be easy to dodge the act of murdering someone but not mental murder. The disciples still had earthly prospects to deal with. They probably thought Jesus was going to establish His kingdom right there and then. They probably got too excited that it was time to burst their bubble.

Jesus soon said the disciples in verse 21 what they needed to hear. He had to go to Jerusalem where He must suffer many things. I wonder how well-versed were the disciples in the Old Testament scriptures at that time? The Old Testament was practically their Bible at that time. They could’ve referred to Isaiah 51 and 53. Yet, it was a shocker to them, especially Peter. Jerusalem was to be a place of hope. In the Millennial Kingdom, Jesus will rule the world from Jerusalem. Yet, why must Jesus be rejected at Jerusalem? It was all to fulfill the Father’s plan. This was that Jesus must first suffer many things, be killed (which was to die by crucifixion, reversed only for the worst of criminals), and be raised.

Peter was obviously a concerned friend. Peter, however, didn’t have a good understanding yet. I was wondering if Peter was more than eager to preach the Gospel. Peter said, “Far it from you Lord. That should never happen.” Instead of commending Peter, Jesus reprimanded the former instead. Even worse, Peter was already called “Satan”. In my opinion, Satan was actually there somehow influrencing Peter. True, we can never blame Satan for our actions. “The Devil made me do it.” excuse never worked for Eve. It can never work for anyone. Peter let his guard down after the confession. What a ripe moment for Satan to enter. After the temptation of Jesus, it says Satan left Jesus alone only for a little season. Peter was setting his things on the things of man.

The truth is Christians still struggle with worldy things (at times). This was the problem Peter faced. Peter saw the spiritual yet there was some worldiness. Christians are saved in their sinful nature then from their sin. A Christian gets into the kigndom repentant but that repentance is far from perfect. Peter had to repent of whatever worldly thoughts he had to struggle with. At this point, I believe that this event is where Satan really desired to shift Peter like wheat. Yet, there’s the assurance that Satan couldn’t sift Peter like wheat without God’s permission. Remember that Satan could only afflict Job with God permits it.

Matthew 16:24-25 talks about the cost of following Jesus. Having a personal relationship with Jesus is a dangeorus thing. Don’t think it’s not going to cost anything. True, not every person who got saved without explicitly counting the cost. However, no one can be saved and not be willing to pay the cost in the long run. The language used is to deny one’s self, take up one’s cross and follow Jesus. Crucifixion was reserved for the worst of criminals. People were usually crucified naked as a spectable of shame. Following Jesus has a very high cost yet the rewards are much higher.

Later, Jesus mentions that, “What does it cost to gain the whole world and lose your soul?” Many people today don’t want to follow Jesus because of worldly pursuits. I was reminded of the story of the rich man who met Jesus. The rich man was so attached to his possssions. We also have people today who reject Jesus because their religion somehow helps them gain connections. People just can’t risk losing their connections in business. Some people also engage in immoral endeavors for the sake of wealth. They value money more than God. The may have the strong approval of the world. However, James 4:4 says that friendship with the world is enmity with God. John 15:18-19 says that Christians are not of the world but chosen out of it.

In the Christian life, it’s better to expect to live in persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 says that those who desire to live right can ony expect persecution. Matthew 5:11-12 in the beatitudes also says this thought, “Blessed are you who are persecuted for My sake. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in Heaven.”

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.