It’s the Great Commission, NOT the Great Conspiracy

Back then, I remember my Fundamental Baptist days would have so many conspiracy theories. I remembered the craze of raising pet issues such as Pokemon and Harry Potter. I remember the urban legend of backmasking. There were also the KJV Only movement conspiracy theories. There are sites like Jesus-is-Savior (which I used to read a lot for conspiracy theories and ended up doubting my salvation due to the easy-believism doctrine taught there), Chick Publications, Now the End Begins, Before It’s News, Reformation Online, and a lot more. There was a time I devoted to researching the Vatican rather than the Word of God. I would indulge in writing several nonsense conspiracy theories that I can’t even back up except with mostly spurious sources. It also turned out that Chick Publications was publishing fake testimonies such as that of the late Alberto R. Rivera Sr. It turns out that Jesus-is-Savior is backed up by blind followers of the late Jack F. Hyles, another reprobate.

How do these conspiracy theories disrupt the Great Commission? The command at the end of Matthew is to preach the Gospel. Mark also has the command that the disciples are to preach to every creature. The command has never been to, “, “Go therefore and search for conspiracy theories.” Unfortunately, that’s what’s disrupting some Fundamental Baptist churches today. Copies of the Alberto series can be found. It was difficult for me to accept but Rivera Sr. himself was a fraud. The books that Chick Publications issued to defend Rivera Sr. did a poor job defending him. Even worse, the late Jack T. Chick displayed paranoia when the late Roy Livesey went out there to debunk Rivera Sr.’s claims as a former Jesuit priest. The book The Alberto Rivera Story is very well-documented yet it can be wrongfully dismissed as mere “Jesuit propaganda”. Even worse, Jesuit conspiracy theories are often used to cover up scandals of preachers like Rivera Sr. and Hyles. Both Hyles and Rivera Sr. were habitually adulterous, money-hungry preachers and showed signs of being degenerate. True, Christians aren’t perfect but the lifestyle of the two reprobates puts a huge question mark or even shows they are truly unsaved.

A common problem with conspiracy theories is that they leave people paranoid about their surroundings. It is also a huge hindrance to the agenda of soulwinning. Conspiracy theorists are paranoid at best and they tend to forget to read the Bible in exchange for a dose of conspiracy theories that only feeds on their fear. They end up with their, “Oh it must be the Jesuits.” when in truth, the whole poisoning was actually nothing more than a random food poisoning. Not everything that happens is caused by the Illuminati, the Opus Dei, the Jesuit Order, Communists, Nazis, or the Vatican as a whole.

The key to soulwinning the lost is never with revealing conspiracy theories but Bible preaching.  That is why I have dropped conspiracy theories (and trashed them as retired research) as a whole.  It’s certainly Biblical to reveal the truth, remember the truth will reveal itself in due time.  The only way to drive out Jesuit infiltration if any is to be strongly rooted in the Word of God.  Strong Bible preaching is more effective than conspiracy theories in countering the New World Order in this day and age. Conspiracy theories don’t preach the Gospel. They just simply block the Gospel from unbelievers.  Unbelievers need to know more about the salvation message than revealing all the secret activities of the Jesuit Order. Some former Jesuit priests turned Christians didn’t become Christians because of knowing the secret activities or history of their order but the Gospel.

How should Jesuit infiltration and Illuminati activities be dealt with?  God’s Word is much stronger than Jesuit agents and Illuminati members. The Jesuit priest and the Illuminati member are still parts of the huge mission field to hear the Gospel as much as every lost sinner.  What can be done aside from having the courage to preach against Roman Catholicism to use the Bible as the final basis of right and wrong.  Preach the Word, in and out of season to the lost. Sharing the testimonies of former Jesuit priests like Victor Affonso and Bob Bush would also be nice. A Bible-centered Christian is a much bigger threat to the evil of their day than a conspiracy theorist who is not rooted in God’s Word.  Who knows the next person to be won to the Lord Jesus Christ may be a Jesuit operative or an Illuminati member? God’s Word is the only thing sharp enough to uncover deception and reveal the truth.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.