My Thoughts on the Usage of “Pisseth Against the Wall” in the KJV Translation

As I’m preparing to do my study on the kings of Israel and Judah–a phrase repeated six times in the KJV’s Old Testament is “pisseth against the wall”. The modern translations use “every male person”. Yet, we have fundamentalist nutjob Steven Anderson taking the whole “pisseth against the wall” straight out of context. I tried hard not to laugh but I can’t help but laugh at how the preaching is so out of context!

It’s amazing that every time the phrase is mentioned–it’s connected to the judgment of wicked people. Notice that the first time it’s written that the judgment fell on the enemies of David (1 Samuel 25:22). The second time it’s mentioned is in 1 Samuel 25:34 which is the judgment against the House of Nabal. The third time it’s mentioned is in 1 Kings 14:10 and the judgment of the House of Jeroboam. The fourth time it’s mentioned is in 1 Kings 16:11 which is the judgment against the House of Baasha, who fell from Zimri’s rebellion. The fifth time it’s mentioned is in 1 Kings 21:21 which is the judgment against the House of Ahab. The sixth time it’s mentioned is in 2 Kings 9:8 which is again, against the House of Ahab. Modern versions render it as “every male person” since such a language can be rather embarrassing for some.

I wonder if Anderson has ever seen signs like this posted on the walls. It seems that the KJV translators were referring to disgusting conduct. Why do you think signs on the wall are put up asking people not to urinate in those areas? It’s because you definitely don’t want to spread germs. Yet, Anderson interprets it as that men must pee standing up. I wonder if Anderson has noticed that those who are referred to as “to them that piss against the wall” refers to the wicked male people in every verse in the KJV that contains such verses. It’s highly possible that the men in those wicked households have lifestyles so disgusting that the KJV translators chose the phrase “pisseth against the wall” to describe their wickedness. Their wickedness is as contagious as misplaced urine. Yet, Anderson has misread the six verses in the KJV that contain such words. John Calvin’s commentary puts it as “every male person” which is probably why modern translators don’t write it as such. I guess Anderson might deliberately violate such rules by urinating against the wall with such a sign, therefore disqualifying him further from the pastorate!

My thoughts are that maybe, just maybe, the best translation for “pisseth against the wall” means “every wicked male person”. Some language in the Bible describes sin in such a repulsive way. I think pisseth against the wall describes the spiritual condition of the wicked men in those houses. However, I think the KJV translators could’ve been a little more careful with their choice of words even when I think those wicked men deserved such a term. Anderson really has been taking things straight out of context, therefore he shouldn’t even be qualified to preach, if ever.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.