Calmness in the Midst of a Storm

Well, it wasn’t a merry Christmas when Odette hit, now wasn’t it? A signal no. 5 storm hit on December 16, 2021, and Christmas was pretty much canceled for some people. I really had my moment of reckless faith when I refused to leave my room when the tornado kicked in. The roof could’ve fallen on top of me. Think about spending an unhappy Christmas both with a devastation and a stay in the emergency room. The storm lasted much longer than Yolanda. I was struck with panic and grief saw much devastation. I wanted to blame God for letting the storm happened until I remembered that Job charged God not foolishly during the early stages of his trials.

December 26 came and I remembered John Piper’s Solid Joys devotional. The entry was called “How to Contemplate Calamity”. So, think that Satan is not ultimate in every disaster. God gave Satan permission to attack Job. However, what Satan could do to Job–it was ultimately what God allowed Satan to do to Job. Satan could hurt Job’s property but not kill the latter–it was because God says so. So even if Satan caused Odette and other disasters to strike–God has a good reason to let the evil one time do what he did. God ultimately holds the leash on Satan’s rebellion. It’s because what Satan does can be a mingle of judgment and mercy. Sometimes, God allows Satan to hurt a believer as a form of chastisement to call his or her attention.

There was a lack of supplies. However, God was gracious in one way or another. There were long lines but there were also people who helped. There will be inconsiderate people but there are also considerate people. God had somehow touched the hearts of some unsaved authority figures like He did with the Pharaoh during the time when Joseph was in Egypt. Grace was given and denied in many ways. A generator wasn’t easily available was one of the many problems that hit the victims of Odette. There were also inconsiderate people. However, God soon allowed a community spirit to happen. Eventually, lines started to get shorter and supplies were given. God somehow decided to slowly but surely answer the prayers of the righteous because of His sovereign will. A righteous minority is a majority with God. God spares the cities because of a righteous remnant it would also be that opportunity to win people to the Gospel of Christ.

I guess God was getting the attention of believers. Many times, a disaster is used to wake up lethargic saints to be back on track. This would be my first time to be hit by both a pandemic and a storm. COVID-19 was a real problem. Odette was another. I was thinking that these problems build character for the believer. The Bible tells many times suffering has a purpose for all who love God (Romans 8:28). Psalm 34 has David thanking God at all times. James 1:2-4 tells us to count it as all joy because suffering is training from God for disasters that were meant to teach the believer. Right now, I felt the disaster was meant to teach me patience and vigilance–something that I tend to lack. God decided to supply grace and deny grace all according to His sovereign will.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.