God’s Word is Sharper Than Any Double-Edged Sword

A lesson about the Armor of God would show that the Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:12). Hebrews 4:12 would tell us that the Word of God is actually sharper than any literal two-edged sword. The Word of God is described as a sword. An acronym for SWORD can be Scriptural Warning Over Religious Deception. The best weapon we’ve got is the Word of God. Any Christian fully trained and seasoned in the Word of God can be a greater threat to the evil of their day than the evil of their day is a threat to them. That’s why the Bible has been antagonized and outlawed throughout history.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12 that the battle is not against flesh and blood but against the authorities of the present darkness namely Satan and his devils. The only real enemies that Christians aren’t called to love is Satan. They’re called to love their human enemies but not Satan their spiritual enemy. Lost people are but victims of the doctrines of devils. The best counterattack to demonic attack is against spelled out as Scriptural Warning Over Religious Deception. People need to hear the Word of God!

The Sword of the Spirit goes towards the immaterial part of man. Another reason why I think Paul wrote Hebrews is because of how Hebrews 4:12 is stated and how Timothy is mentioned towards the end. The soul and the spirit are part of the immaterial part of man. Thoughts and intents are two distinct activities yet both are activites of the mind. A person is a two-part being–having both a body (material) and the eternal soul (immaterial). The problem humanity has in their immaterial part is that it’s so corrupted that the material part gets corrupted. That’s why we get sick, some die young, those who live longer grow old, and those who grow old will eventually become too old to live. Sin is so tainted in the immaterial part of man that the corruption hits the material part of man. That’s where the Sword of the Spirit targets–the very problem of sin that plagues mankind from within.

Temptation usually comes from within. James 1:14 says that we’re drawn by our own lust and arrogance. That’s why saying, “But Satan made me do it!” is not an excuse. Satan, for one, isn’t omnipresent. Satan may be observing me while I type this entry or not. Satan may have his demons near me but not Satan himself. Satan is probably too busy accusing me and others of our sins. The demons can tempt and say, “Come on, do it!” However, it’s the lust and arrogance that makes the person give into demonic temptation. The immaterial part of man is so full of temptations. That’s why the Bible serves to pierce the soul and spirit, to reveal the thoughts and attitudes of the immaterial part of the human heart.

Besides, one must think of the old proverb, “The pen is mightier than the sword!” It was an expression by playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton. However, I don’t think he was the first to say it. Martin Luther also said, “If you want to change the world–pick up your pen and write.” Luther renounced any radical violence during the Reformation such as that of Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt–one who started to wreck the idols away using violence. The reformers understood the power of the Word of God worked better than the evil of their day. The Spanish Inquisition, for example, drove in full force using violence and the sword. Bloody tortures were done but like the Roman Empire–the bloodier the persecution, the stronger Christianity became. Many others did the same thing too (such as Islamic states and state atheism) but still failed. China today is having a massive boost in Christianity in the midst of persecution. The reformers focused on the Word of God which they penned down serving as a greater threat–effectively putting the Dark Ages into the dark.

God’s Word in print has far more impact than violence could do. It’s not just because of what’s written–it’s also because of what’s being taught! The Bible’s teachings such as loving your enemies and looking for the hope in Christ had done much. One could imagine how the reaction of Christians towards their persecutors could’ve changed a lot. Some would’ve probably watched Nero’s bloody circus and saw the Christians bravely face death. God would’ve touched the hearts of some the audiences to suddenly say, “Look at them sing! They have so much joy!” in the midst of an entertained wicked crowd.

God’s Word is also incredibly hard to believe. Piercing the immaterial part means going against what we normally think. People are prone to believing in imperfect gods. However, the Word of God says God is perfect. People are prone to believing that they can save themselves. However, the Word of God says that you must receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to saved and that salvation from sin is by God’s grace. People are prone to believing that all religious lead to Heaven. However, Jesus said in John 14:6 that He’s the only Way to the Father. The pain of the piercing of God’s Word is really that hard to bear because man is antagonistic towards God.

This is where God’s unconditional election must kick in. Romans 3:10-19 also reveals the sad truth that no one seeks after God. Instead, it’s God who does the working. Man is blinded away from the spiritual truths of the Word of God. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says that the Word of God is foolishness to the foolish man. God’s Word is spiritually discerned. It takes God’s supernatural work to get the person to accept the Word of God!

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.