Do We Forget UGLY-LOOKING Forbidden Women Exist Alongside Attractive-Looking Forbidden Women?

It’s practical advice to never marry for outer beauty but for inner beauty. I’m afraid some people have missed the mark with what Paul David Washer said about not marrying for beauty but for character. Whether the person is beautiful or ugly to look at, a good heart will always prevail. When I look at the Bible, the Bible seldom doesn’t shy away from describing a good-looking hero or heroine of the Bible. We have Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Joseph, Ruth, David, Bathsheba, and Solomon who are good-looking heroes. We have attractive evil people such as Mrs. Potiphar, Delilah, Saul, and Absalom. The Bible never vilifies outer beauty. God created both the beautiful and the ugly! However, what the Bible condemns has always been a rotten personality whether or not the person is beautiful or ugly to look at!

Here’s a bizarre case of Suzi Bozich. One may not even think she’s a strange woman because of her appearance. However, when the Bible introduces the forbidden woman in Proverbs 2:16, it’s not her beauty that’s mentioned but her smooth words, and how she is a dangerous threat regardless of how she looks. Proverbs 5:3 describes that this strange woman’s speech is smoother than oil. In fact, watching this video somehow makes me chuckle due to how odd it is. However, this forbidden woman knew how to manipulate the men who never realized they were stuck in an illegal marriage with the same woman.

I’ve met both beautiful-looking and ugly-looking strange women. If inner beauty brings the attractive and the ugly together–so does inner ugliness! I remember at least one attractive forbidden woman whose constant companions were ugly-looking forbidden women. I remember another forbidden woman who was that ugly-looking but she certainly ensnared me and other men, with her good girl act. Prostitutes come in different appearances–both the attractive and the ugly. Appearances can be misleading in many ways. I’ve met a pretty woman who looks rather fierce but she’s actually nice. I’ve met an average-looking woman who was also nice. I met an ugly-looking woman who was nice. That should tell you that attitude, not appearance is the real problem and cause of every trouble.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.