Jesus’ Necessary Public Renunciation of the Pharisees’ HYPOCRITICAL RELIGION

We have Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, we have the four days when Jesus was examined, and Passover. Matthew 26:2 has the Lord Jesus finally affirming that He was going to die, “You know that after two days, the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified.” I believe that Matthew 23 was absolutely necessary. The Pharisees had to be exposed for the religious fraud that they were. These guys were more dangerous than the pagan Romans that occupied Israel. These guys felt like they were the good guys but were even worse.

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Who Was the Zechariah Referred to in Matthew 23:35?

Today is Maundy Thursday and it would be good to study more about the Lord Jesus’ final hours before His crucifixion. Matthew 23 is the renunciation of the Pharisees. Matthew 23 apparently only records seven woes. Matthew 23:14 ‘s context is still present in the modern versions namely Mark 12:40 and Luke 20:47. After many years of reading and studying the Bible, I believe that I can never fully understand it. That’s why the Bible must be studied consistently.

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Why the Eternal Son of God Was Rightfully Named “Jesus” (Joshua in Hebrew) in His Human Incarnation

After writing about the importance of verifying that the Lord Jesus Christ did indeed come from the line of David, it would be important to know the importance of what Jesus means. Matthew 1:21 has the instruction to Joseph not to fear to take Mary for his wife and name the child, Jesus. The meaning of Jesus means Yahweh saves or Jehovah saves The Hebrew is Yeshua which is commonly more known as Joshua. We also have Joshua the son of Nun and later, Joshua the High Priest during the exile period.

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Jesus’ Qualification as David’s Son and Lord

As Holy Week is now in the midweek, it would also be good to discuss Jesus’ qualifications based on the Davidic prophecies. Reading back in the Old Testament, David was told in 2 Samuel 7:12-14 that one day, David will have a special son. David must’ve been baffled when it was told to him. David was only a sinner saved by grace. 2 Samuel 7:14 can also reveal that “When he commits iniquity, I will discipline him with the rod of me, and with the stripes of the sun of men.” We have a strange statement. Some can say that this could be Solomon but not the Lord Jesus. Jesus was without sin while Solomon, we know, screwed up badly and had to be chastised severely. However, Bishop Samuel Horsley of the Church of England gave a more interesting translation, “When guilty is laid upon Him, I am going to be His Father, and He will be my Son.” This is that sin will be laid upon Jesus.

Continue reading Jesus’ Qualification as David’s Son and Lord

Can You Keep the Great Commandment of the Law on Your Own Might?

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It’s midweek, Holy Week and here’s another thought before entering Maundy Thursday. We can read the passage in Matthew 22:35-40 and in Mark 10:25-28. Jesus was tested by one of the lawyers of his day asking, “Teacher, which is the great commandment of the law?” This would be a direct citation of Deuteronomy 6:4-5. We also read in Leviticus 19:18 not to take vengeance but to love one neighbor as one’s self. Once again, it’s very easy to be tempted to think that the eye for an eye is a recipe for personal vendetta rather than a standard for punishing offenses.

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The Sadducees Asking About the Resurrection

After the Pharisees were beaten out with their question about taxes to Caesar, we have the Sadducees. Consulting the late J. Vernon McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary, the Sadducees were a group of Jewish heretics who were ignorant in two spheres–the power of the Scriptures and the power of God. They had asked a question about a woman having had married the late brother’s wife until it reached seven in total.

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Rendering to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar and to God What Belongs to God

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As the Holy Week progresses, one of the many books I’ve read more than once is The Jesus You Can’t Ignore by Dr. John F. MacArthur. I was pretty much a non-Calvinist back then when I read it. Some non-Calvinist, KJV-Only moderates would still acknowledge the writings and contributions of Calvinists (such as Charles H. Spurgeon, while acknowledging that these people were but men and can make mistakes. Another topic to tackle is rendering unto God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar (Matthew 22:15-22).

Continue reading Rendering to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar and to God What Belongs to God