What’s Wrong with the Baptist Bride Movement?

I’m a Baptist and I’m happy to be one. However, there’s this strange movement that been strangely renounced by some fundamentalists and Reformed Baptists. Even the most extreme of fundamentalists (at times) rejected the Baptist Bride movement such as James L. Melton of Bible Baptist Publications (who unfortunately endorses Gail Ripplinger) and David W. Cloud of Way of Life Literature. The Baptist Bride movement really has some bizarre notions that we can’t find in the Bible nor in historical details.

Continue reading What’s Wrong with the Baptist Bride Movement?

In Defense of Sola Scriptura

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels.com

Sola Scriptura is often a subject that’s either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented by its opponents. Sola Scriptura is not Solo Scriptura which is Bible only but that it sets that the Bible itself, because it contains God’s words, should be the basis or the source of authority and not the sole authority. It’s not an invention of the Reformation, it’s something that the Reformation affirmed that the Bible should be the final authority of the Church in all its traditions.

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COVID-19 Vaccination: Truth vs. Whack-Job Conspiracy Theories

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels.com

Right now, COVID-19 vaccinations are carried out. However, what I can’t deny is that there’s really a good number of anti-vaxxers too who are causing misinformation. One of such consequence of the misinformation about vaccines led to a sudden resurgence of measles because of fake information such as that vaccines cause autism. Others were even using the hysteria that the COVID-19 was going to be a dress rehearsal for the New World Order (such as John Hagee) or other extreme “Christian” groups saying that it’s the mark of the Beast, deceiving even some younger Christians into misinformation. The “truthful site” (and I’m being sarcastic) Reformation Online’s webmaster, Patrick Scrivener, really has some whacked up data such as saying Edward Jenner’s vaccination allegedly caused his son to die of tuberculosis at age 20, that Louis Pasteur was part of this medical inquisition (because Pasteur was a Roman Catholic) which in itself is a genetic fallacy. Scrivener even endorses the dangerous challenge to drink raw milk all because he labeled Pasteur a “Jesuit”. He even went as far as to create an elaborate “expose” on vaccination as a medical inquisition of the Vatican. Unfortunately, Scrivener spreads more disinformation than he does the Gospel. I believe the guy needs to prove his claims or even face jail time for spreading disinformation as “truth”!

Continue reading COVID-19 Vaccination: Truth vs. Whack-Job Conspiracy Theories

Does Devotion to Mary Bring People Closer to Jesus?

Photo by Alem Su00e1nchez on Pexels.com

The month of May is devoted to the Flores De Mayo. It’s a festival held in the Philippines, a predominantly Roman Catholic country, that is a festival in honor of Mary. It also involves the Santacruzan, which has it that Constantine’s mother, Helena, supposedly found the cross to where Jesus was nailed to. That’s nothing more than myths and fables! This post is not meant to incite hatred toward Roman Catholics. It’s very common to say that born-again Christians “hate” Roman Catholics and “hate” Mary. Though, I admit that professional Catholic apologists have been more than kind enough to exonerate born-again Christians from the accusation that they “hate” Mary. Some of them are kind enough to quote Protestant writers who wrote highly of Mary. However, it can’t be denied that this devotion to Mary is not Scriptural!

Continue reading Does Devotion to Mary Bring People Closer to Jesus?

To Tithe or Not to Tithe Under the New Testament?

I remembered that some fundamentalist Baptists teach the necessary of the tithe or giving of a tenth of your income. A closer look at the Old Testament tithe would tell us that the tithe is more than just a tenth of one’s income. The Old Testament tithe would require giving a tenth of everything you own, not just from the gross or net income. Today’s tithe has been limited only to the income but not anything else given.

Continue reading To Tithe or Not to Tithe Under the New Testament?