Pope Francis Fails Basic Theology on Humankind’s HEART Condition

From a Facebook page called “The Protestant Reformation”, it’s really something to have this. I guess many born-again Christians today gladly bear any names that have been dubbed by the enemy to them. Even Christians never called themselves Christians but the enemies in Antioch called them. The Protestants were only called Protestants by the enemy, they just wanted to be biblical. This reaction by his “holiness” Pope Francis should be scrutinized. The claim of Papal Infallibility becomes even more and more questionable. Papal infallibility teaches that the Pope is supposedly preserved from doctrinal error by the Holy Spirit. However, history has shown many stuff that Roman Catholics aren’t allowed to know and what Rome tries to sweep under the rug. The late John Paul II’s apology may be best considered as insincere at best.

Looking at this so-called “Vicar of Christ”, the statement that there are rogues and sinners but the heart itself is good, is really not biblical. It’s funny how a Catholic fanatic woman said I reject God’s Word to keep my tradition. Wait, what about telling it to her beloved Pope? Back on topic, the Bible speaks of the wickedness of the heart. The Lord Jesus rebuked the Pharisees by stating in Matthew 15:19-20 and Mark 7:21-23 that out of the heart comes out sin. That talks about the natural condition of the heart. Speaking of which, one can easily see the tainted traditions of Rome as the Pope and his army of Pharisees continue to add burden to burden, with all their extrabiblical rituals not found in the Bible. However, they dare to claim they are the true Church founded in 33 A.D., the only Bride of Christ, but they don’t pray to God alone through the Son, whether it’s to mediate for a friend for for their own needs.

Genesis 6:5 already addresses the issue of the thoughts of the heart. What does the Bible say? It’s all about their thoughts and imaginations are evil continually thanks to the fall. Romans 5:12 says that by one man, sin and death came into the world. When Adam sinned, it affected everyone. Cain didn’t murder his younger brother Abel but his heart was still good. No, Cain’s heart wasn’t right with God and that’s what led to the infamous first murder. Eventually, many more followed in the footsteps of Cain, and the Earth was filled with so much evil. I wonder if Pope Francis can still say that the heart is still good during the time of Noah’s day?

In Jeremiah 17:9, the heart is again described to be desperately wicked. These are not the words of the prophet Jeremiah but the words of God Himself. This is the reality that people don’t want to accept. People want to believe we’re basically good. Sadly, the emphasis of the Bible is that we’re totally corrupted by a sinful nature. That means every last part of the body is infected by sinful intents. Isaiah 64:6 says that our righteousness is like filthy rags.

I’d say Pope Francis should be thankful I never joined the Jesuits back in my youth. At one point, I considered becoming a priest during my first communion. If I did, maybe the Jesuits would’ve been driven mad with my hours inside the confessional. If I did, I may have already nailed my own version of the 95 Theses on the bulletin board of my former parish. I might’ve even had another reformation, speaking against Pope Francis’ error. I might’ve said, “If this church is the church of Jesus founded in 33 A.D., it certainly doesn’t abide even by the teachings of blessed Peter!”

Catholicism can hire people to upload websites and claims to prove itself to be the true Church in 33 A.D. However, the history, the doctrines taught in their catechism, and the rotten fruit can disprove their claims. If Peter were ever to come down from Heaven right now, he’d rebuke his so-called successor with Biblical truth. No wonder Rome rejects the idea of Sola Scriptura, that is the Scripture as the final authority in the matters of faith and practice.

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A former Roman Catholic turned born-again Christian. A special nobody loved by a great Somebody. After many years of being a moderate fundamentalist KJV Only, I've embraced Reformed Theology in the Christian life. Also currently retired from the world of conspiracy theories. I'm here to share posts about God's Word and some discernment issues.